Caseggiato dei Triclini e Foro della Statua Eroica
The complex was constructed in around AD 120 and was the headquarters of the college of the fabri tignuarii, or builders’ guild, one of the city’s most important (A).
It had shops opening onto the Decumanus, a central porticoed courtyard and a row of dining rooms with brick triclinia for banquets.
Axonometric view of the Caseggiato dei Triclini
(F.R. Chiantore, P. Molinengo Costa)
In the courtyard stood a statue of the emperor Septimius Severus (AD 193-211), on whose base were inscribed the names of the members of the college.
In a late period one of the rooms became a shrine for the imperial cult (B) and was adorned with painted decorations.
In the late 4th century AD, the area near the building was occupied by a portico with columns on both sides and brick pillars towards the Decumanus; this created a porticoed square that takes its name from the nude male statue placed at its centre (C).
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See also:
- The Central Area and the Official Complexes
- Molino del Silvano
- Casa di Diana
- Thermopolium di Via di Diana
- Museo - Casone del Sale
- Mensola della Sinagoga
- Caseggiato dei Dolii
- Insula di Giove e Ganimede
- Castrum repubblicano
- Caseggiato dei Triclini e Foro della Statua Eroica
- Capitolium
- Cd. Sacellum dei Lares Augusti
- Tempio di Roma e Augusto
- Latrina presso le Terme del Foro
- Terme del Foro
- Palestra delle Terme del Foro
- Basilica
- Cd. Curia
- Tempio Rotondo
- Caseggiato del Larario
- Horrea Epagathiana et Epaphrodithiana
- Area Sacra Repubblicana
- Tempio di Ercole
- Terme di Buticoso
- Cd. Piccolo Mercato