Tempio di Roma e Augusto
Perhaps built while Augustus was still alive (in the early 1st century AD), this imposing temple was erected in the south part of the Forum square, aligned with the older Capitolium; the association between the cult of the emperor and the city’s traditional cults held an obvious symbolic and ideological meaning.
Reconstruction of the north and west façades of the temple
(R. Geremia, M.A. Ricciardi)
The building’s foundations and part of the original architectural decoration in marble survive, including the rear pediment and the statue of flying Victory, which must have stood at the top of the roof: these marbles have now been mounted on a modern wall in the vicinity of the building. The temple façade probably hosted a platform from which orators addressed the people.
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See also:
- The Central Area and the Official Complexes
- Molino del Silvano
- Casa di Diana
- Thermopolium di Via di Diana
- Museo - Casone del Sale
- Mensola della Sinagoga
- Caseggiato dei Dolii
- Insula di Giove e Ganimede
- Castrum repubblicano
- Caseggiato dei Triclini e Foro della Statua Eroica
- Capitolium
- Cd. Sacellum dei Lares Augusti
- Tempio di Roma e Augusto
- Latrina presso le Terme del Foro
- Terme del Foro
- Palestra delle Terme del Foro
- Basilica
- Cd. Curia
- Tempio Rotondo
- Caseggiato del Larario
- Horrea Epagathiana et Epaphrodithiana
- Area Sacra Repubblicana
- Tempio di Ercole
- Terme di Buticoso
- Cd. Piccolo Mercato